Dear Ann and Erol,

I am so sorry it has taken me so long to write but it was such a shock to hear about Andrew’s death that I suppose I tried to put off writing, so that I would not have to think about it. Both Michael and I were both so very upset. At first all we could ask was why? How? It is just so tragic that such a wonderful boy with so much ahead of him should die in such a tragic accident. The children saw me crying when you left the message on the answerphone and both Nathalie and Christian cried too! In some ways I envy how they accept that someone has died because they are still too young to understand the dreadful finality of it. They came up and looked at the photos of Andrew and Martin here with them last year and laughed at how he used to be able to use ‘funny voices’. He was very talented and could pick up accents and foreign languages that had all 3 children rolling around laughing. We decided that that’s how we will always remember him. Full of life, energy, playing silly games with the children and making funny faces and voices.

It is very difficult to accept that he is no longer around and won’t come and visit us again. I used to love it when he and Martin came on Sundays as I felt like I had two grown up sons to look after! They both obviously enjoyed the traditional roast Sunday lunch with Yorkshire puddings and I am sure they also enjoyed Michael’s fine wines to wash it all down! We shared many stories around the table and certainly the warmth and atmosphere at those times will always remain in my memory.

I thank God that you contacted us when Andrew came to Brussels – otherwise we would just have the memories of little Kubilay at the Embassy summer house in Tarabya and those Sunday afternoon barbeques back in 1982-86?

It was wonderful to meet the grown man after all those years – he was a bridge back to Istanbul and some of our happiest memories. I feel privileged to have known your son – he was an exceptionally talented lad and he had a heart of gold. Michael was extremely impressed by Andrew’s language talents – being a linguist himself he had much in common with varied discussions. We did not know him for long but we appreciated his company and humour. Sometimes it was hard to believe he was not born and bred in Scotland and others he could pick up the Leeds accent and transport me back to my neck of the words! Then at other times Michael would try all his (very rusty!) Turkish and I’d be back in Gunays all those years ago!

I cannot for one minute imagine the pain you must both feel, all I can offer is my prayers and my love to you both. The pain must be unbearable – to lose a child must be the worst thing in the world – I daren’t even think about it as I wonder how you would ever carry on afterwards ? The consolation must be that we all have such wonderful memories of someone who touched our lives and made us all better people for it.

The some one initially feels gives way to anger at the tragedy of it all and the desperate. Unanswerable questions of why Andrew? And how could it happen to one who had so much left to do, see, think etc.?

I am glad that I have my Catholic fate as it does somehow comfort me. I feel that the people close to me who have died are still with me, especially when I am at Church, at mass with the children. I pray for my mum died our local priest Caron Deeney, (who had christened and married all of us at our local church in Burnley) came to see me. I was very upset and Nathalie and Christian were with me – he could hear her voice even now up on that special star that God had given to her. He said she’d be with her parents and friends and they’d probably all be having a ‘right and natter catching up on things and singing a few songs etc.’ It is a nice image that I remember now when I think of her.

I am sure Andrew has a special star up there and is sharing it with your family and Erol’s family and friends – who knows may be he will bump into my mum’s star! Anyway that’s what I believe and like to think of when it all gets too much!

I will continue to pray for you both and for Andrew as a star in heaven as he was a star in life. I hope this comforts you but I know it will never be enough.

Thank you for putting us in contact with Andrew and sharing him with us once again.

We will always remember him…

God bless you both, my heart is breaking for you and now my tears are falling for you - I cannot write more, all our love and prayers,

Christine, Michael, Nathalie,
Christian and Justine.